It wasn't so long ago that I entered the world of Beachbody. For the longest time I would check out the P90X informercials and tell myself, "That looks totally insane and way too hard for me to even think about!" At that time I was so out of shape. Even walking down the street would have proved difficult for me. Around the same time, I was diagnosed with type II diabetes. After just watching the infomercials, I took the plunge and ordered P90X. I have to admit that I was excited and scared when it showed up at my door step. I opened the box and and thought to myself, "What the hell am I doing???" I started my frst round and before I knew it, 90 days had passed and I completed round one.
While going through my first round, the thought about coaching never really interested me. I knew it was an excellent opportunity, but it wasn't for me. As I close to finishing my first round, it was then that I considered being a coach. I wanted a chance to help someone the same way people helped me on my journey. So at the end of my first round, I took another plunge and signed up to be a coach. Well guess what??? Once I signed on, I felt those same feelings I had when I first received P90X in the mail. I was excited and scared! This plunge was probably even more scary than starting P90X. But even though both plunges were scary, I had to realize why it was scary...I was now out of my comfort zone!
Isn't all this "changing your lifestyle" thing is all about after all? Those of us who have made the decision to change our lifestyle have done exactly that. We realized that the lifestyle we were living is no longer the way we want to live any more. From the physical aspect, we have stepped outside our comfort zones and have done P90X or Insanity or another workout program. We realized that we wanted to change our physical health and have done something about it. In the same way, we can look at coaching as stepping out of another comfort zone. (I know this was the case for me.) The thought of having a business can be overwhelming for anyone. (I know it is for me.) But like the physical aspect mentioned before, coaching is yet another step outside our comfort zone. But think about the rewards of both aspects.
With the physical aspect, we earned a healthy lifestyle and all the other benefits that came with our decision of changing our lifestyle. These benefits will also come when we decide to become a coach and make a financial lifestyle change as well. As much as a financial benefits are important and nice, there is the one thing that made me decide to be a coach. I WANT TO HELP OTHERS!!! All along this journey there have people who helped me along the way. Now it's my turn to pay it foward. It's my turn to be that supporting individual who is willing and wanting to turn people into healthier individuals.
So if you have realized that you want to help people acheive the same results like you have and you want to pay it forward then maybe coaching is for you!
While going through my first round, the thought about coaching never really interested me. I knew it was an excellent opportunity, but it wasn't for me. As I close to finishing my first round, it was then that I considered being a coach. I wanted a chance to help someone the same way people helped me on my journey. So at the end of my first round, I took another plunge and signed up to be a coach. Well guess what??? Once I signed on, I felt those same feelings I had when I first received P90X in the mail. I was excited and scared! This plunge was probably even more scary than starting P90X. But even though both plunges were scary, I had to realize why it was scary...I was now out of my comfort zone!
Isn't all this "changing your lifestyle" thing is all about after all? Those of us who have made the decision to change our lifestyle have done exactly that. We realized that the lifestyle we were living is no longer the way we want to live any more. From the physical aspect, we have stepped outside our comfort zones and have done P90X or Insanity or another workout program. We realized that we wanted to change our physical health and have done something about it. In the same way, we can look at coaching as stepping out of another comfort zone. (I know this was the case for me.) The thought of having a business can be overwhelming for anyone. (I know it is for me.) But like the physical aspect mentioned before, coaching is yet another step outside our comfort zone. But think about the rewards of both aspects.
With the physical aspect, we earned a healthy lifestyle and all the other benefits that came with our decision of changing our lifestyle. These benefits will also come when we decide to become a coach and make a financial lifestyle change as well. As much as a financial benefits are important and nice, there is the one thing that made me decide to be a coach. I WANT TO HELP OTHERS!!! All along this journey there have people who helped me along the way. Now it's my turn to pay it foward. It's my turn to be that supporting individual who is willing and wanting to turn people into healthier individuals.
So if you have realized that you want to help people acheive the same results like you have and you want to pay it forward then maybe coaching is for you!