Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Focus T25- Got 25 minutes?!?

One of the biggest reasons (AKA excuses) I hear from people is that they don't have enough time to workout (among countless other excuses). Well look no further because that excuse can no longer be used!

Shaun T (the creator of Insanity) has come up with a new exciting workout program that is as intense as Insanity but that's where the similarity ends. Most Insanity workouts are anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour long. With Focus T25, you get the same intensity as Insanity...but in ONLY 25 MINUTES!!! read that right, ONLY 25 MINUTES!!! Focus T25 is a 10 week program with each workout lasting only 25 minutes, five days a week!

So you may can a workout that only lasts 25 minutes get you such awesome results? Here is brief overview of the different workouts that comprise Focus T25:

The Base Kit comes with:
10 Workouts
  • ALPHA: Cardio is a calorie burning, sweat drenching, cardio based workout.
  • ALPHA: Ab Intervals is where you will be spending a lot of your time on the floor doing ab workouts with quick cardio recovery workouts in between. This routine will have you shredding the fat from your midsection and getting you the abs of your dreams.
  • ALPHA: Speed 1.0 gets you fast results with this fast paced workout that will ignite your quickness while burning the fat from your body.
  • ALPHA: Lower Focus is the key to burning fat and kicking up your metabolism as you focus on working your lower-body muscles.
  • ALPHA: Total Body Circuit focuses on strength and resistance without having to lift a single weight.
  • BETA: Core Cardio is where you'll "get your sweat on", with this progressive cardio-core workout designed to get you shredded fast.
  • BETA: Dynamic Core will take you from vertical to horizontal and back again in this dynamic, crazy core routine.
  • BETA: Speed 2.0 has you rev it all the way up with Shaun's calorie-scorching, core-focused speed drills.
  • BETA: Upper Focus will help you develop the upper body you've dreamed of; all you have to do is focus.
  • BETA: Rip't Circuit is a workout comprised of cardio, upper body, legs and abs that you do on repeat, taking your body to the next level to get you even more shredded.
Bonus Tools:
  • Alpha-Beta Workout Calendars tells you which workouts to do on which days, taking out the guess-work so all you have to do is nail it.
  • Get It Done Nutrition Guide makes eating simple with just 5 meals a day, using 5 ingredients that take only 5 minutes to prepare. It doesn't get any simpler.
  • Quick Start Guide helps you to hit the ground running with this step-by-step guide for how to achieve your best results.
  • Free Online Support tools keep the motivation strong with 'round-the-clock access to fitness experts and peer support.
Free Gifts:
  • Stretch Workout (also 25 min): after 5 days of hard work you get to stretch it out and relieve those muscles. Enjoy it because you deserve it!
  • B-Lines Resistance Band (15 lb) will assist you in burning fat and carving lean muscle faster.
  • 5-Day Fast Track gives you a jump start on our weight loss with this 5-day low calorie meal plan; it's not easy but it works.
  • 24/7 Online Support keeps you motivated with 'round-the-clock access to fitness experts and peer support

For an even better look at what the program looks like...check out the video...

For the month of July, the Focus T25 Challenge Pack is on sale for $180 (Regular price is $205)

The Challenge Pack consists of the Focus T25 workout program, (all the stuff listed above), as well as your first 30 day supply of Shakeology. With the purchase of a challenge pack, you also get a 30 day trial membership to the Team Beachbody website as well as me as your motivational and accountability coach. You will also be added to my private Facebook page where I will help you reach your goals and help you succeed!

So this is the new, exciting Focus T25 workout program in a nut shell. If you are one of those people who is constantly pressed for time and you need a quality workout that  delivers fantastic results, then you would be hard pressed to find another workout that would measure up to Focus T25!

As always, if you need more information, feel free to contact me:

or you can visit my website here and click the Focus T25 banner on the right side of the page.

You can also find me at the following:
Facebook: New Beginnings Fitness
Twitter: @jmecale72

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